Plain Language Summary of Various Financial Assistance Options and Hierarchy
Property Tax Credit: Patients living within Grays Harbor County Public Hospital District #1 (District) may receive a credit in the amount of the District portion of their property taxes assessed within the same year of the related date of service, up to a maximum annual credit of $500. Patients are required to supply their property tax statement and complete the Property Tax Application.
Property Tax Credit Application
Community Care (Financial Assistance): Patients that have an annual family income below 300% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) are eligible to apply for financial assistance using our Community Care Application. Please reference the table below for eligible discounts based on FPL. All applicants are required to complete the Community Care Application form and provide proof of income.
Applications can be obtained on this website, by calling InlandRCM at 1-888-292-8810, stopping in to one of our physical locations or by requesting an application be mailed to you.

Prompt Pay Discount: Patients are eligible to receive a 25% discount if the balance is paid within 30 days. The discount amount is to be calculated and deducted from the billing statement by the patient. Statements will only print the “Prompt Pay Discount” message on the first statement. This 25% discount is to be applied after all other financial assistance options listed above have been applied.

If you have any questions, or need help for any reason, including disability and/or language assistance, please feel free to call our billing office at 1-888-292-8810 or stop into one of our physical locations as a member of our team would be more than willing to help answer your questions. In addition, all applications, and their related support, can be returned in-person to any of our physical locations, noted above, or mailed to our billing office directly at The CBO Solutions, P.O. Box 2726, Spokane, WA 99220.
Veterans Benefits Authorization
Here at Summit Pacific we are happy to serve everyone, including our Veterans. If you are new to the organization and would like to seek care at Summit Pacific, it is required for you to call the Veterans Affairs office to obtain an authorization. Please have this authorization in hand along with the valid dates of service when you call to schedule your new appointment. This will ensure we can provide the care you need in a timely manner.