Community Invited to “Make Their Mark” on the Summit Pacific Medical Center Expansion Project During Beam-Signing Event

July 16, 2024

(ELMA, WA) – Summit Pacific warmly invites the community to a landmark moment for the Summit Pacific Medical Center expansion project. Join them in signing the final steel beam that will support the new structure, making your mark on this historic project.

Summit Pacific Medical Center’s expansion is a pivotal development to enhance healthcare services for the community.

“This Beam Signing Event brings together the Grays Harbor community, lawmakers, and Summit Pacific employees to leave a lasting, positive message, encapsulating this exciting moment in time,” said Josh Martin, Summit Pacific CEO.

Representative Derek Kilmer became the first to sign the beam during his visit to the facility on July 12th. His office played a crucial role in securing funding for the expansion, demonstrating their dedicated support for Summit Pacific and the community at large. Deepest gratitude is extended to Rep. Kilmer and his dedicated staff for their unwavering commitment.

The upcoming outdoor signing event – open to the community — will be held on Wednesday, July 24th, from noon to 2 pm on the SPMC front lawn at 600 E. Main St., Elma. Permanent markers will be provided. Later in the day, the beam will be ceremoniously covered until it is raised to support the new addition.

Construction of the 30,000-square-foot addition to Summit Pacific Medical Center began in February of this year. Scheduled for completion in 2026, SPMC will nearly double its current size. The expansion will significantly increase bed capacity, expand the Emergency Department, offer round-the-clock MRI services, provide more triage spaces, and expand patient waiting areas, reducing wait times and greatly improving the overall patient experience.

Summit Pacific looks forward to seeing the community at this special event. Together, the goal is to build the healthiest community in the Nation.