(360) 346-2225 | Fax: (360) 346-2156
600 E Main St, Elma
(360) 346-2292 Scheduling line for CT Scan, MRI, Echocardiogram and Ultrasound
(360) 346-2243 Scheduling line for Mammography, Dexa and any other radiology questions
(360) 346-2337 DI File Room (Request Images and CD’s)
Summit Pacific’s Diagnostic Imaging Department provides a full range of imaging services for routine outpatient exams and accepts imaging orders from referring providers. Our technologists work around the clock providing exceptional care through a wide range of services. Most major insurance companies are accepted at Summit Pacific, but we encourage you to call your insurance company to verify.
Imaging Services Offered:

Computed Tomography (CT)
In 2022 Summit Pacific installed a new state-of-the-art Computed Tomography (CT) scanner that produces high quality images of the full body. Featuring a wider bore for patient comfort, the scanner also allows our team to use lower doses of radiation and offers faster scan speeds for faster imaging and diagnosis of stroke patients.
Patients having CT scans, or better known as CAT Scans, may need to fast or receive contrast dye for their exam. These exams are appointment based and can take up to 20 minutes. Call (360) 346-2292 to schedule.

Bone Density – DEXA
With DEXA, our doctors are able to detect osteoporosis before it occurs. Without DEXA, diagnosing osteoporosis generally only happens after a fracture when it’s reached the acute or advanced stage. If we find that bone density is lacking or diminishing, preventive actions can be taken immediately.
The condition known as osteoporosis can commonly occur in individuals as they age, particularly in women. This condition is caused by the lack of calcium and specific bone materials and can lead to brittle bones and possible fractures. Performing the test is quick, easy, and painless. Practically no preparation is needed before the imaging exam.
If you are interested in a bone density scan, please call (360) 346-2243 to schedule.

Body Composition Assessment
An advanced body composition exam is a quick, low dose X-ray exam that measures the three main tissues of the human body including bone, fat and lean mass. This exam may help your health professional assess what level of exercise or intervention is needed to maintain a good ratio between fat and lean muscle mass.
Preparing for an Advanced Body Composition Assessment
- Avoid taking calcium supplements for at least 24 hours prior to your appointment.
- Wear comfortable clothing without zippers, buttons, or any metal.
- Please remove all jewelry prior to the exam.
- You should not have had a barium study, radioisotope injection, oral or intravenous contrast material from a CT scan, or an MRI within seven days prior to your Advanced Body Composition assessment.
Because the assessment report is very detailed, we ask that you call to schedule this appointment. We want to ensure our staff has the appropriate amount of time to go over the results with you.
This exam costs $50 and payments are due before your appointment. Insurance will not cover this exam.

Digital X-RAY
X-ray imaging is the oldest and most frequently used form of medical imaging. Discovered more than a century ago, X-rays produce diagnostic images of the human body on film or digitally on a computer screen in about 5 seconds. X-ray imaging is the fastest and easiest way for a physician to view and assess potential broken bones. Because digital X-ray images are seen immediately, patients no longer have to wait until the film has been developed to see if the images are clear enough for diagnosis. Overexposed or underexposed images can be digitally corrected which eliminates the need for the patients to repeat the exam.
You do not need a scheduled appointment for your x-ray exam and there is usually no preparation required for an x-ray. If an order has not been faxed to the hospital please bring it with you. For any questions please call (360) 346-2243.

Ultrasound uses sound waves to create moving images of soft tissues of the body. The images are very high quality, and let doctors see small differences in tissue. This is especially useful in helping solve medical problems. Ultrasound is painless and is one of the safest tools used in medicine today.
Ultrasound can create excellent images of:
- A fetus (unborn child)
- Liver
- Gallbladder
- Blood vessels
- Heart
- Thyroid
- Uterus (womb)
- Ovaries
- Many other parts of the body
Please call (360) 346-2292 to schedule an ultrasound.

An echocardiogram is a noninvasive ultrasound test that evaluates heart function. During an echo exam, high-frequency sound waves from a hand-held wand placed on your chest provide pictures of the heart’s valves and chamber. These echoes are turned into moving pictures of your heart that can be seen on a video screen to evaluate the pumping action of your heart.
If you are interested or in need of an echo exam, please call (360) 346-2292 to schedule.

3D Mammography
Mammogram Self-Referrals Now Available
Scheduling a mammogram can be challenging for busy women. Summit Pacific has the perfect solution, we now offer walk-in screening mammograms! While mammograms do not require a physician order, they do require that patients have a primary care provider to whom the results may be sent. Please note that appointments must be made for all diagnostic mammograms.
Although we do offer walk-in appointments for mammograms, you may still schedule an appointment for your convenience. Our 3D mammograms take less than 30 minutes from check-in to the completion of your exam. To schedule an appointment, please call (360) 346-2243 between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Financial Assistance for Mammograms
If you need a mammogram or check-up but do not have insurance or funding to pay for it, please contact the Diagnostic Imaging Department about your options for financial assistance. Early detection is the key to beating breast cancer! Summit Pacific works with the Washington Breast & Cervical Health Program to help uninsured and low-income women receive their annual examinations.
If you have questions about the mammogram process or how to interpret your reports, visit this article or ask your physician.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is the preferred procedure for diagnosing potential problems and produces very detailed images of internal bodily structures. It is used to identify tumors, neurological problems, orthopedic injuries, blood vessel flow and other medical conditions.
Patients scheduled for an MRI at our imaging facility will be asked to wear clothing with no metal and remove all jewelry. Exams can last from 30-60 minutes. You may be asked to fast and certain exams may require contrast.
When scheduling your appointment, you will be asked a series of questions for your safety prior to your exam.Please ask the technologist or radiologist if you have any questions or concerns about implanted objects or health conditions that could impact your MRI.
To schedule an MRI, please call (360) 346-2292.