Invest in Your Health in 2024

July 8, 2024

Schedule a Wellness Visit today!

Everyone can benefit from an annual wellness visit, historically known as a yearly physical. For instance, children should be assessed yearly to ensure they are achieving their developmental milestones, evaluated for medical conditions including depression, and reviewed for vaccination status. Healthy habits and lifestyle choices we make as young adults have a direct impact on the quality and duration of our lives. Your primary care provider can serve as a guide to maximize your health.

Finally, if you are 65 or older this appointment, known as your Annual Medicare Wellness Visit, is even more important. Important components of the Annual Medicare Wellness visit include:

  • Counseling for preventive services, including certain screenings, immunizations, and referrals for other care if needed;
  • Height, weight, and blood pressure checks;
  • A review of your potential risk for depression and your level of safety;
  • An opportunity to discuss and create an Advanced Directive;
  • Developing or updating your Care Team and prescriptions;
  • Personalized health prevention advice that will review risk factors and a plan of care.

    Call 360-346-2223 to schedule your Annual Wellness Visit today.